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January 13, 2010

A Cream-Pie for Rembrandt's Face?

Donald Pittenger writes:

Dear Blowhards --

This article in the Los Angeles Times (7 January, page D8) informs us that there's an art blog that spoofs paintings by posting alternative captions.

It's called That is Priceless, and a link is here.

Writer David Ng reports:

[The blog] was launched in November by L.A.-based television comedy writer and producer Steve Melcher. Once a day, Melcher spotlights a well-known work of art -- usually a painting -- and gives it an alternate title. ...

Since November, Melcher has clocked in about one post per day. He said he chooses works that tell a clear story: "I don't do too much abstract or Impressionist art because readers will have to stop to figure out what the painting is showing. I love Dutch art -- they always have silly things going on in their paintings."

The writer said he often tries to tie a painting to recent news, a holiday or a pop culture event.

I think it's a cute concept. But I didn't find the revised captions near the top of the stack as of this morning especially side-splitting. Of course, Melcher is a TV writer and I'm totally unplugged from the current scene thereabouts, so my reaction might be because I'm out of touch.



posted by Donald at January 13, 2010


Looked at That is Priceless. We are not amused.

Posted by: Peter L. Winkler on January 14, 2010 2:15 PM

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