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March 17, 2008

Seattle Seen

Donald Pittenger writes:

Dear Blowhards --

Digital photos have been piling up on my computer's disk drive and it's high time the world got to see 'em. Herewith are some pictures of Seattle I've taken over the past month or so: no particular theme.

I'll begin with the obligatory skyline shot. This was taken from West Seattle, across Elliott Bay. I forgot to ask that seagull to sign a photo release form. Hope it doesn't mind.

Not far from where the previous photo was taken, I noticed this house. I wrote about architecural use of pebbles here, and was not pleased with the idea. The house shown above seems pretty old and has little sign of being anything more than builder-designed. So I present it as a curiosity, not an architectural statement.

Speaking of Seattle houses, many modest-sized brick Tudor style dwellings were built during the 1920s. I suppose your town has something like these too. The house shown is nowhere nearly the cutest one I've noticed. I would like to do a posting on these sometime, but I worry about getting in trouble wandering neighborhoods snapping pictures of houses.

Immediately to the right of the Tudor-style house is this. I'm not sure whether it is new or simply a major re-do. The glass brick near the entrance is interesting, but I don't like the industrial-looking siding on dwellings.

Seattle is noted for airplanes. Here are two parked in front of the Museum of Flight located by Boeing Field. On the left is a Boeing B-47 and to the right is a Douglas DC-2. No, not a DC-3; the DC-2 came first and was a little smaller than the -3. Plane-spotters will notice that the fuselage of the -2 has a more squared-off cross-section than the -3. Note the lights under the nose; these are not found on the DC-3.

I noticed this new tour bus parked on Main Street opposite Occidental Park. Hmm. Reminds me of ...

... those 1930-vintage tour buses that used to (and still) roam national parks in the Mountain West.



posted by Donald at March 17, 2008


they all suck except 4 the first one

Posted by: Sean Allen on March 19, 2008 4:51 PM

Sorry to see you put all that effort into this post and no one responded. For what it's worth I could live very comfortably in either the Pebble House (all those windows), or the Tudor, which has the gemutlich feel that a house should have, IMO. You're right that that house is common to many parts of the States. Brooklyn and Queens are loaded with variations on it, complete of course with tree lined streets. Some of the nicest, All American neighborhoods I've known are in those two boroughs.

Posted by: ricpic on March 19, 2008 4:57 PM

The Pebble House gets my vote -- "vernacular architecture" maybe not at its best, but lookin' pretty funky and fun. The Tudor is pretty handsome too. Is there much in the way of yearning-for-England out in the NW? It's quite amazing around NYC to visit some towns in Westchester and CT and see how closely they patterned themselves on the Olde Country, or at least on someone's fantasy of it. But maybe Merrie Olde England doesn't have the cachet in the NW that I guess it still has in the NE ...

Fun snapz, tks.

Posted by: Michael Blowhard on March 19, 2008 5:03 PM

All three are ugly. Have a hard time deciding which one is uglier...probably the mock Tudor.

I've been inside one of those, in my good friend's house in Queens. In fact, I helped him with space planning when his architect was redesigning it to fit for living - what a nightmare it was.

Posted by: Tatyana on March 20, 2008 1:54 PM

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