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March 02, 2008

Pulp and Hardboiled Linkage

Michael Blowhard writes:

Dear Blowhards --

* PJ Parrish has been lovin' "The Big Book of Pulps."

* Dark Party Review interviews the great mystery-crime bookstore owner / editor Otto Penzler.

* Joe Valdez revisits "Blue Velvet." You don't think there could have been a "Blue Velvet" without pulp fiction, do you?

* August West recommends a couple of hardboiled noirs by Dolores Hitchens.

* Classy genre writer Dan Simmons has been reprinting a book about the book publishing biz by literary agent Richard Curtis. I enthusiastically recommend it -- Richard Curtis is one of the smartest and frankest bookworld people around. I recommend the fiction of Dan Simmons too -- I praised a Buffalo-set hardboiled Simmons novel back here.

* A great line from pulp writer and former peepshow girl Christa ("Money Shot") Faust, who has written some novelizations:

I love tie-in work and have infinitely more respect for hard-working writers like Lee Goldberg and Max Allan Collins than I do for self-styled literary geniuses who are still sitting in mom’s basement polishing their unpublished masterpiece.

Here's another interview with Christa Faust. Here's Christa Faust's very amusing website.

* Scottish crime novelist Allan Guthrie offers a list of his 200 favorite noir novels.

* The Telegraph runs a list of 50 Crime Writers You Should Read Before You Die.

* Bill Crider recommends a new Stark House volume of Peter Rabe novels. If I remember right, the great Donald Westlake is also a Peter Rabe fan.

* Ed Gorman thinks that crime-movie fans should keep an eye out for the Robert Ryan / Mary Astor vehicle "Act of Violence." Those with a few bucks to spare can buy the movie here.

* Vince Keenan enjoys a couple of movies with Robert Siodmak's name on them. I raved about the brilliant Siodmak here.

* MBlowhard Rewind: I wrote an introduction to the pulp publisher Gold Medal Books.



posted by Michael at March 2, 2008


I meant to leave this comment on this post, but somehow it ended up appended to the previous post, "Sleep With the Devil:"

Wow, all this new info about one of my favorite subjects! There goes my Sunday. ... A scan of the Telegraph article on 50 crime writers shows that it does not include James M. Cain. What the f.... Hey! Aren't they the ones who published that loathsome list of the "100 best movie sound tracks" (by which these idiots meant "film scores")? The list that did not include Ben Hur or Vertigo, but did include American Graffiti? Why, yes, they are. ... Never fear, though, I will read on! Thanks Michael!

Posted by: Lester Hunt on March 2, 2008 8:43 PM

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