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February 08, 2008


Michael Blowhard writes:

Dear Blowhards --

* Polly Frost gets a rave from Clean Sheets, and interviews the versatile and fiery downtown actor Francesco Paladino.

* Four out of every ten Mexican adults say that they would move to the U.S. if they could.

* Gavin Andreson wonders what we get out of playing the world's numero uno superpower.

* Jimmy Moore is worried about his brother Kevin's weight.

* Steve Bodio muses about philosophies of animal breeding and includes photos of some dog breeds you've never heard of.

* Cheryl Miller offers her take on the "child-man" controversy here and here. I sometimes find myself wondering if Maxim magazine might not be one of the defining cultural products of our age. Oh, and maybe the Victoria's Secret Catalog too.

* Tokenblackchic responds to some viewers who have accused her of not being black enough.

* Shouting Thomas continues his tour of Woodstock and offers some sensible perspective on the Presidential race.

* Conductor James Macmillan describes how he lost his faith in the left.

* Where did all the Russian hotties come from?

* Fred Himebaugh seconds my enthusiasm for Paul Cantor's lectures, and beams with justified pride over his daughter's first compositional efforts.

* The Google Monster is coming to get you:

Link thanks to Charlton Griffin. Here's an interview with the dudez who made the vid.

* Roissy has a prediction, and comes up with the best reason I've yet run into to vote for Hillary.

* Melissa Katsoulis learns how to write a romance novel -- and gains a little respect for the form as she does so.

* Former Rolling Stone bassist Bill Wyman says that he really should have been a librarian.

* MBlowhard Rewind: I wrote an introduction to film noir here.



posted by Michael at February 8, 2008


There's a theory that World War II is responsible for the famous beauty of Russian women. Such a huge percentage of the male population died in the war that for quite some time afterwards only the more attractive women had a reasonable chance of getting married. What with looks being at least partly inherited, this led to a whole generation of uncommonly beautiful women.

Posted by: Peter on February 8, 2008 4:28 PM

The Russian beauties we see in the West are no different, genetically, than those women who have always been seen as the acme of female beauty: tall, blue eyed blondes. All are descendants of the Vikings. The same Vikings who swept down on England and France in the west and Germany in Central Europe, invaded and conquered, or more accurately impregnated the ruling Russ in the Duchy of Muscovy. No matter where you look in the West, the rulers are predominantly tall and fair. In other words, the descendants of Vikings rule, everywhere. This may be unpleasant to think about or acknowledge, but it's so.

Posted by: ricpic on February 10, 2008 2:10 PM

Let's see...4 out of 10 Mexicans say they would move to the USA if they could. Do any of them realize that if that were to actually happen that the USA would, in fact, very closely resemble what they were trying to get away from?

Posted by: c.o. jones on February 11, 2008 10:50 AM

C.O. -- Funny. I know people in California who joke, or semi-joke, that the moment has come to abandon California to the Mexicans, and buy beachfront property in Mexico before it gets too expensive.

Why don't we just swap countries and be done with it?

Posted by: MIchael Blowhard on February 11, 2008 11:15 AM

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