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September 14, 2005


Michael Blowhard writes:

Dear Blowhards --


The oddball things that people get up to with Photoshop ...



posted by Michael at September 14, 2005


Y'know what makes me really sick, lately? Madison Avenue's growing reliance on photoshop and CGI in talking dog & cat pictures & videos, that's what.

Take the movie "Because Of Winn Dixie" for instance. It's not enough to have a picture of a cute dog on your movie poster. No, the dog has to have a cute human-like smile photoshopped in.

We've fallen a long way since "Babe" used a ground-breaking mix of CGI and puppets to give the illusion that the animals were talking. Look at it now - it looks practically quaint. TV commercials with talking animals seem to be aiming to make it possible for talented lip-readers to tell what they're saying, not simply to give an illusion of speech. It bespeaks a want of imagination, in my opinion.

Remember the "I Hate Qantas" ads from the '70's. That Koala would be looking into the camera and speaking with perfectly synchronized lip movements if they came out with them now.

However, I agree that the linked image is cool and freaky.

Posted by: Brian Jones on September 14, 2005 11:48 AM

This reminds me of how in college we'd download porn and then photoshop the faces of people we knew into the picture. I thought we were going to give this one girl a heart attack. Most people laughed.

Posted by: lindenen on September 14, 2005 5:05 PM

Before there was downloading, people used to physically cut and paste photos from magazines. So I've heard, anyway.

Posted by: Jonathan on September 14, 2005 6:46 PM

Who needs photoshop, if with my own eyes I saw a giant beautifully carved cock above the side entrance of 14th Cent. Jieronimus Monastery in Belem, Lisbon?!
I thought I just had a sunstroke.

Pictures coming.

Posted by: Tatyana on September 15, 2005 8:11 AM

Brian - It does seem like technological gimmickry can be a trap, doesn't it? It's hard to resist. Yet there's something about it, or maybe about the way we tend to use it, that crowds out actual imagination. The final art/entertainment thing often stuffs the senses to bursting, yet leaves the imagination starved. Weird. I wonder why. But I certainly recognize the phenomenon you're talking about ...

Lindenen -- I've seen the fake celebrity nudes and thought they were funny. But I hadn't thought about doing it to friends. That's a hilarious way to cause some college havoc. Plus, someone somewhere is going to use it as a premise for a thriller. Why not you?

Jonathan -- True. But not many people actually did it, funnily enough. It's an interesting thing you're spotlighting. Videotaping is another example. A lot of the timeshifting people do with Tivos today could be done with VCRs a couple of decades ago. (I did it, in fact -- I haven't watched TV straight off the cable in decades. Used to tape what I wanted to see and watch it on tape. Now I hard-drive it and watch it off the hard drive.) But very few people actually did it. There's something about the Tivo set up that makes it so very, very much easier that a tipping-point thing occurs, and suddenly it's part of mass culture and popular behavior. The same seems to have occurred with Photoshopping and cutting and pasting. You could always do it, but until the computers very few people did...

Tatyana -- Life as a Photoshopped image: bliss! Or potential bliss, anyway. Looking forward to those images!

Posted by: Michael Blowhard on September 15, 2005 10:14 AM


Not many people did it because 1) it's a lot of work, 2) it requires a lot of skill and 3) before the Internet you couldn't email the results to your buddies, so you might stick them up on your office wall for everyone to see instead. So I've heard, anyway.

Posted by: Jonathan on September 15, 2005 10:19 PM

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