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« Hometown USA | Main | Random Visual Attack 2 »

August 23, 2005

Random Visual Attack 1

Michael Blowhard writes:

Dear Blowhards --

It doesn't take much encouragement to get me to inflict more of my bad photographs on visitors! Here's a shot of backlit leaves and flowers -- very Victorian, no? Would you have guessed that this photo was taken in Manhattan?

branches, flowers.jpg



posted by Michael at August 23, 2005


It's beautiful- you should indulge us in your photographic meanderings more often, please. I like the eye candy, personally.

Posted by: Jill on August 23, 2005 09:20 AM

Pretty picture! But I thought you said you only think of the "good shot" after you put the camera away! This is pretty good.

Posted by: annette on August 23, 2005 12:16 PM

D.H. Laurence' colors: coral/yellow/green. Against all (4, actually) prescribed color schemes. Dark! Messy! Perverisive!

Love it.

Posted by: Tatyana on August 23, 2005 02:15 PM

My photographic method boils down to: If you take a couple of thousand shots, at least two or three of them have to wind up being semi-presentable.

I wonder what the secret to being a genuinely good photographer is. I've had the chance to hang out a bit with real photographers, and it really is amazing: nearly every shot they take is an interesting and striking one. They must be able to see what the camera is taking much better than the rest of us do. I kind of though that the little LCD screens would even that score more than they do - that I'd get more of a sense of the finished photo that way. And I guess I do, but just a bit. I'm still surprised -- very surprised -- by how my snapshots actually turn out.

How does everyone else like the LCD screens on digital cameras? I like 'em, but they haven't turned me into a good photographer, darn it...

Posted by: Michael Blowhard on August 24, 2005 12:16 AM

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