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May 15, 2003

New CultureBlogs

Friedrich --

Three more sharp new additions to the cultureblogosphere.

*Dick Ranko (why do I suspect a pseudonym?) is only one real posting into his career as a solo blogger (here), but it's a corker, comparing the rock group The Band to the Robert Altman movie "McCabe & Mrs. Miller."

*At his new blog Forager (here), JW is showing off serious writing chops and an obsessive involvement with all things movie and comic-book. JW takes the occasional break from treatises on the X-Men and Jack Kirby to indulge in reflections about such topics as Justin Timberlake and NASCAR.

*Only a couple of issues into his kinda-blog/kinda-magazine site Cipher Culture (here), Paul Williams has already mused winningly about the antiwar Left, the vogue for the hairless-male look, and the changing nature of cultural criticism itself.

All three of these brainy young Turks are enthusiastic participants over at Polly Frost's Forum, where the conversations have an even looser feel than blogging babble does. Shooting from the hip, or artchat at the Cedar Bar --that's what it's like over at Polly's Forum. You can join in the fun here.



posted by Michael at May 15, 2003


Dick Ranko's column about McCabe and Mrs. Miller and The Band is almost as moving as the movie and music he's describing. "...confronting demons doesn't always make them go away." Now, that's something I think it took me until this point in my life to learn. How do others know these things sooner?

Posted by: annette on May 15, 2003 02:45 PM


Thanks for the mention. You should feel proud that you two Blowhards are such an inspiration to the young guns of the blogosphere.

Posted by: JW on May 15, 2003 11:51 PM


You go, boy. Just one question: Do you now, or have you ever had, a professional relationship with the comics business? If not, it seems like they could use someone with your enthusiasm and insight. (Sorry, that's my middle-aged avuncular fogie speaking.)

Posted by: Friedrich von Blowhard on May 16, 2003 11:01 AM

Nice Site, I would like to show you mine sometime.

Posted by: FREE PORN on May 29, 2004 07:24 PM

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