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January 30, 2003

Pic of the Day


For my pic of the day, I’m returning to Wayne Thiebaud.

W. Thiebaud, Flatland River, 1997

In my posting earlier in the week, “Food as Art, Art as Food” I neglected to mention that Wayne was born in 1920[!], and he’s still knocking out pretty good paintings as we speak. So I hereby award Mr. Thiebaud a Blowhardy Award for pushing on against the winds of age—an accomplishment I appreciate more the closer I get to my own half-century.

Wayne Thiebaud, Over 80 and Still Painting



posted by Friedrich at January 30, 2003


Wow, 82 and still painting strong. I had no idea. Thanks for focusing on Thiebaud, whose work I like a lot. He's playful and sensual, and I enjoy the commercial-illustration skills that underlie his paintings. Plus I like that California pallette of his. I know one painter who thinks Thiebaud's tendency to outline subjects in orange/blue and then paint over the outline while leaving little touches of it still visible is a bit of a cheap trick. I wonder. It's certainly eye-catching and effective. A signature bit of style, perhaps? I was amazed when I saw the big Whitney show a few years ago how good he is at the figure. Great bodies and heads, quirky posing ideas. I wonder if the ideal combo is to get some real-art-world experiencek (knock some of the naivete and provincialness out of you) and then leave the real-art-world. Stay in it and your quirkiness and oddness never gets a chance to develop. Avoid it entirely and you never discover what a rube you really are.

Posted by: Michael Blowhard on January 30, 2003 07:33 PM

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