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January 30, 2004

See-Thru Panties

Dear Friedrich --

"Lost in Translation" fans will notice that this John Kacere painting is remarkably similar to the film's opening shot. In fact, Sofia Coppola freely admits that she got the idea for the shot from looking at Kacere's work. Coppola has also said that, in order to persuade a reluctant Scarlett Johansson to do the shot, she pulled on the see-throughs herself to show Scarlett what they'd look like. Let's hear it for female directors.

Kacere was born in Iowa and started out as an abstract artist. In 1963, he began making paintings of women, often of their midsections and usually of their crotches or butts, and kept at it until his death in 1999. Was he a cheesecake artist or a respectable photorealist? He explained his work this way: "Woman is the source of all life, the source of regeneration. My work praises that aspect of womanhood." Sigh: once again I'm struck by the thought that I went into the wrong field.

Kacere's work isn't exactly in short supply on the web. Try here, here, here, here and here, just for starters. I notice that Kacere prints can often be found for sale on Ebay.



posted by Michael at January 30, 2004


Haven't seen the film, yet. But I know now that it's only a matter of time.

More seriously: I have been hearing very good things about it, plus it has won one or two awards. As for the painter, I'm discovering him. And it looks like he was one of the photorealism greats.

Posted by: Rethabile Masilo on January 31, 2004 12:42 AM

C' can't be serious! A bit much, even for you guys.

Posted by: insulted on February 2, 2004 02:33 AM

I think we all were just mooned.

Posted by: ShipShape on February 2, 2004 01:18 PM


Did you see the movie? How did you feel about that?

Posted by: Friedrich von Blowhard on February 2, 2004 05:18 PM

more pic and details

Posted by: jone on April 10, 2004 08:03 AM

i'd like to see the front. so more pics. i want to but some for my girlfriend and i want to see what they look like

Posted by: jim on July 20, 2004 03:52 AM

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